Assignment #6
Create a Page with frames. Divide the page into two vertical frames with 20% and 80% spacing. Then divide the first vertical column into two horizontal frames of 50% each. The upper left frame should list five Universities in California and the names of their presidents. When a University is selected in the upper left frame, the right frame must display a "table" of the University's student population, number of faculty and total annual budget for the past five years. When the user selects the name of a president from the upper left frame then the lower left frame must show the president's name and the year of his/her selection for the University (All data can be real or made-up.) The table must have reasonable values specified for border width, cell spacing and cell padding. The names of the presidents in the lower left frame must be links which use the TARGET tag to open a new window with a brief resume of the president. (So if all 5 presidents were selected there would be five new windows on the screen.) And finally there should be a separate link under the president's names in the lower left frame called "Done". When selected, "Done" should be a link that uses the Magic Target Name of "Top" to point to a page with just a nice background and some background music that starts when the page is called. (You can put something meaningful on the page if you can think of anything.) But the main idea is to replace the frames page with a whole new page. And, that's it.